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PRECEYES is a spin-off company of Eindhoven University of Technology, developing a high-precision assistant to support eye surgeons. By improving their precision 10 to 20 times and by automating tasks, PRECEYES enables surgeons to both improve the reproducibility and speed of existing procedures and to develop treatments for diseases that have no adequate treatment today. A prototype system has successfully been validated by multiple highly-experienced surgeons. PRECEYES is the EURETINA Science and Medicine Innovation Award 2014 winner. This represents an important endorsement by the European Society of Retina Specialists, supporting PRECEYES in its search to funding for productization of its technology.

Within EurEyeCase, PRECEYES provides the basis for the teleoperation robotic platform that is being evaluated in the project (WP2) and which will be integrated in a fully-functional robotic operating suite for surgery (WP4). Both the expert clinical expertise in its team and its significant network within the clinical practice of the vitreoretinal surgery will be strongly involved in the requirement and evaluation phases (WP1). Furthermore, PRECEYS will take the lead in the business development and exploitation plan, employing first-hand market insights and knowledge (WP5). Finally, PRECEYES is lead participant of WP5 on technology transfer, exploitation and dissemination, sits on the technical management board (TMB) as industrial technical manager and sits on both the exploitation and the clinical management boards (EMB and CMB).


 Gerrit Naus Marc de Smet Maarten Beelen Thijs Meenink Nicky de Jonge Atul Sinha Maarten Steinbuch

Gerrit Naus

Marc de Smet

Maarten Beelen

Thijs Meenink

Nicky de Jonge

Atul Sinha



PRECEYES is located at the campus of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Visiting, mail and shipping addresses are given below. Directions and a map of the TU/e campus can be found at

Visiting address

PRECEYES, Medical Robotic Technologies BV
De Zaale 15, Gemini-North (0.54), Groene Loper
5612 AV Eindhoven
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)40 247 4789

Mail address

PRECEYES, Medical Robotic Technologies BV
Attn. [name]
PO Box 513, Room GEM-N 0.54
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands

Shipping address (DHL, UPS, FEDEX, GLS, …)

PRECEYES, Medical Robotic Technologies BV
Attn. [name]
De Rondom 70, Room GEM-N 0.54
5612 AP Eindhoven
The Netherlands